Lindsay Lohan Found in Violation Gets 90 Day Jail Term

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Lindsay Lohan Found in Violation, Gets 90 Day Jail Term

Lindsay Lohan Found in Violation, Gets 90 Day Jail Term

Looking as if her lawyer has run out of her magic touch, Hollywood Actress Lindsay Lohan has been found to be in violation of probation - getting slammed with 90 days in jail!

Spending nearly all day in the Beverly Hills courthouse on Tuesday, Judge Marsha Revel wasn't willing to accept attorney Shawn Chapman Holley's long lines of defenses for the troubled actress.

The judge emphasized the fact that Lindsay came and went to required alcohol classes on her own whim - despite having explicit orders which were supposed to have been followed.

Confirming this, co-owner of Right On Programs, Inc. Cheryl Marshall said that Miss Lohan's excuses were "endless and disrespectful" - adding that the "Mean Girls" starlet missed at least nine classes in all.

Upon the judge's ruling, LiLo was advised to speak before sentencing - during which she attempted to explain herself in between sobbing over the stressful situation.

With Miss Chapman Holley and the prosecutor giving statements, the judge then dished out three consecutive 30 day sentences, with Hollywood Actress Lindsay Lohan then to report to probation to go through the whole treatment program over again.

Giving Lindsay Lohan a little extra time, the court has given Lindsay to July 20th at 8:30AM to turn herself in - though she'll have to keep her SCRAM bracelet on.

Lindsay Lohan Found in Violation, Gets 90 Day Jail Term

Lindsay Lohan Found in Violation, Gets 90 Day Jail Term

Lindsay Lohan Found in Violation, Gets 90 Day Jail Term

Lindsay Lohan Found in Violation, Gets 90 Day Jail Term
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