MBA Students Bhavana and Numiya Picture

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MBA Students Bhavana and Numiya

MBA Students Bhavana and Numiya Picture

Bhawana and Numiya are our reader from India, studying in a well-known institute of business studies. Bhavana is cool and Numiya is elegant. They are best friends and they say we are enjoying best time of our life during our graduation.

They are future business graduates, being prepared for India’s rapidly growing outsource market. Bhavana tells that bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and real world application is especially important in business studies. Unlike math and science where problems are well defined and their solutions known, the world of business is different. Students know that some businesses prosper while others fail, but they rarely know how and why. Studying economics provides the tools and resources required in business, but it does not demonstrate how to use them. Why do some companies succeed and become icons of success when others, who have equal access to well-educated and motivated people, fail? How can one learn from existing examples and thus see how business principles are applied in the real world?

The answer is learning from actual examples. There are numerous companies out there who have, for one reason or another, either failed or succeeded. Examining their backgrounds, their actions, the decision-making process, and the ways in which they reacted to changing environments will provide a level of understanding that is not possible to achieve with mere academic learning. Knowing how it all fits together in the real world comes in handy whether it’s preparing for the GCSE, applying for a job, or succeeding in a real life job. How and where do you learn about real world business? An excellent way is to examine “case studies,” which are detailed analysis of businesses, their challenges, and how they did or did not solve them.

Its what our studies are! We are enjoying our life and preparing ourselves as future professional.

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