Womens Life In Punjab

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Womens Life In Punjab

Womens Life In Punjab

In villages, which formed the first habitation of civilized man, rural sports grew out of sheer necessity. The need for cultivating individual strength for labor on the fields, the interdependence within the community and need of defense, joint defense against onslaughts of a common foe and dangerous animals must have given birth to sports like wrestling, running, jumping, weightlifting and such performing arts as of measuring strength by holding wrists, twisting hands. Kabaddi, which is another expression of the same spirit, has become the mother of games in Punjab.

In order to toughen the frames and steel the minds of his followers Guru Hargobindji had started the tradition of holding wrestling bouts within the precincts of Akal Takht Sahib and it is mostly because of the fillip that he gave and the seal of ethics that he put on them that sports become a proud facet of life in Punjab. On the common grounds of villages, in the fairs, during the festivals, at the hermitages of pirs, graves of preceptors, wrestling became a part of high recreation. Villages adopt and feed wrestlers and also give prizes to them as a matter of honour in Punjab today.

These lines with her picture sends us Ramia from Punjab.
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